This is going to mean future updates will probably be a bit sporadic or short. My father got diagnosed with multiple myeloma 1 month ago and almost died from kidney failure. Most of his bone marrow has been eaten up and while there is treatment for this cancer, there is no cure for it. There are only 3 stages to this cancer and he's stage 3. while 53% of people who are stage 3 seem to make it to 5 years, I don't know if my dad will be in that percentile. Bad luck has stalked my folks and family for most of my life, but it really outdid itself this time.
While my mom has dementia, she's still mostly functional and its the early stages of it, my father is a different story entirely because of the cancer. I'm now a caregiver for both of my folks as they're both disabled and just under 65.
Not sure how this will affect my work. It might slow me down, but its not going to make me stop. Things might be kind of slow on my end, this is why.
Sorry to hear about that.Take all the time you need and I hope things get better for you and your family.Stay strong!